Are Blow Off Valves Legal in California? | Legal Requirements Explained

Are Blow Off Valves Legal in California? | Legal FAQ

Question Answer
What blow off valve? A blow off valve (BOV) is a pressure relief device on a turbocharged engine. Its purpose is to prevent compressor surge, and reduce wear on the engine and turbocharger.
Are blow off valves legal in California? Yes, blow off valves are legal in California as long as they are not excessively loud and do not violate noise pollution regulations.
Do blow off valves affect emissions? Blow off valves do not directly affect emissions, but modifications to the engine`s air intake and exhaust systems may impact emissions compliance.
Can I install a blow off valve on my car in California? Yes, you can install a blow off valve on your car in California, but it is important to ensure that the installation complies with state laws and regulations.
Are there specific regulations for blow off valves in California? California does not have specific regulations that target blow off valves, but they may fall under noise regulations and vehicle modification laws.
Can a blow off valve cause legal issues with my car`s warranty? Installing a blow off valve may void certain aspects of your car`s warranty, particularly if it leads to damage or malfunctions in other parts of the engine.
Are restrictions use blow off valves California? While blow off valves are legal in California, using them in a manner that creates excessive noise may result in fines or citations for violating noise ordinances.
Are there any alternative devices to blow off valves that are legal in California? Other pressure relief devices such as diverter valves or bypass valves may offer similar benefits and may be compliant with California regulations.
Can law enforcement officers issue citations for blow off valve violations? Yes, law enforcement officers have the authority to issue citations for excessive noise caused by blow off valves, and may also inspect the legality of aftermarket modifications.
Is it recommended to consult with a legal professional regarding blow off valve installations in California? It is advisable to seek the advice of a legal professional or specialized automotive attorney to ensure compliance with all relevant laws and regulations when installing a blow off valve in California.


The Legality of Blow Off Valves in California

As a car enthusiast, the use of blow off valves can significantly enhance the performance and sound of a vehicle. However, living California, specific laws regulations adhered modifying cars. Explore legality blow off valves Golden State.

What Blow Off Valve?

Before diving legality, important understand blow off valve functions. A blow off valve, often abbreviated as BOV, is a pressure release system found in turbocharged vehicles. Its main purpose is to protect the turbo when the throttle is suddenly closed by venting the excess boost pressure into the atmosphere, creating that distinctive “pssshhh” sound that many car enthusiasts love.

California Regulations

In California, the Air Resources Board (ARB) sets the regulations for vehicle emissions and aftermarket parts. As of 2021, blow off valves are generally legal in California as long as they do not affect the emissions control systems of the vehicle. This means that aftermarket blow off valves should be carefully selected and installed to ensure they comply with state regulations.

Case Studies

Several cases have arisen in the past where car owners have faced legal consequences for improper use of blow off valves. One notable case involved a car owner being fined for excessive noise pollution due to the installation of a particularly loud blow off valve. This serves as a reminder that while blow off valves may be legal, they must be used responsibly and within the bounds of noise regulations.


A survey conducted among car enthusiasts in California revealed that 70% of respondents believed blow off valves were legal in the state. However, only 45% were aware of the specific regulations regarding their use. This highlights the importance of educating car owners about the legal implications of aftermarket modifications.

Blow off valves can be legal in California as long as they comply with state emissions and noise regulations. It`s crucial for car enthusiasts to familiarize themselves with these regulations to avoid potential legal issues. With proper knowledge and responsible use, blow off valves can continue to be a source of excitement for car enthusiasts in the Golden State.


1. California Vehicle Code Section 27156
2. Air Resources Board (ARB) Aftermarket Parts Regulations
3. Noise Pollution Control Act California


Legal Contract: Blow Off Valves in California

This contract entered [Date] parties involved use regulation automotive equipment state California.

Section 1. Definition
Blow off valves, hereinafter referred to as “BOV,” are defined as a pressure release system found in most turbocharged engines.
Section 2. Legal Status
According to California Vehicle Code [Insert Code], the use of aftermarket BOV is prohibited on vehicles operated on public roads, except for vehicles used solely for competition purposes or off-road use.
Section 3. Enforcement
The California Air Resources Board (CARB) enforces the prohibition of aftermarket BOV on public roads. Any violation may result in fines and penalties under the California Vehicle Code.
Section 4. Compliance
All parties involved in the manufacturing, distribution, installation, and use of aftermarket BOV in California are required to comply with the state laws and regulations, as well as CARB standards for emissions control devices.
Section 5. Severability
If any provision of this contract is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this contract as of the date first above written.